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"be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him." ~ psalm 37: 7

Friday, January 7, 2011

happy things...

pink sunrises on cold mornings. rope swings.  hot coffee. fields of gold.  peppermint sticks. country roads. brave people. sunroofs. turquoise rings. fingerprints. summer cottages. glazed pottery. october. lemon thyme.  sunny corners. tender hearts. quiet days. forget-me-nots. blue mugs. fireplaces.  bare feet. flowers for no reason. stacks of books. english ivy. fireworks. paint colors. birch trees. ball gowns. old movies.  snow days. barnyards. classical piano. love poems. sunflowers. bubbles. green apples. weekend getaways. rain puddles. picnics. surprises. freshly showered children. silver boxes. glass knobs. new places. country churches. the bath tub. tiny islands. birds. evening walks.  lupine. bamboo knitting needles. bedtime books. daffodil bulbs. leaf piles. words. golden retrievers. black and white photos. hard work. porch swings. christmas lights.  roller skates. taking chances. card games. empty beaches. shades of blue. newborn babies. guitar strumming. handwritten letters. sandals. lockets. sun burnt shoulders. lazy days.  a still lake.  elderly couples holding hands. sweet pea.  canoes. new shoes. giraffes. black soil. flannel sheets. the deep woods. art museums. soft words.  starry skies. my bible. snowflakes. bookstores. boardwalks. hoola-hoops. peach ice cream. fairy tales.  log cabins. hot showers. ambitious goals. birthday parties. red wagons. the ocean's edge. brown sugar. laughter. winding staircases. crayon boxes. clay pots. grandma's recipes. topiaries. window seats. letters in the mailbox. big dreams. rare snow. afternoon naps. spring mornings.  mittens. cowboy boots. icicles. honey comb. tent sleeping. good fitting blue jeans. brick paths heavy with moss. weddings. sunset walks.  mountain tops.  crunchy peanut butter. summer camp. christmas carolers. lemon trees. tulle. cheese grits. the sound of wind. being still. climbing roses.  river rock. back to school. velveteen. cookies baking. leather bound journals. a glass of wine. a cup of coffee. sea grass woven baskets. bluegrass music. campfires. sloppy kisses. spring planting. chai tea. warm sand. backyard laughter. libraries. white flowers on a summer's night. burlap. staying up late. fragrant candles. weeping willows. outdoor seating.  lavender. sandcastles. sunshine. moonshine. old friends.  sprinklers. small towns. big cities. coffee shops. sleeping children.  hope chests. window boxes. pennies in a fountain. dinner guests.  garden gates. crossword puzzles.  swing sets. a horse's muzzle. deep snow. garden tools. aquamarine. wild strawberries. bike rides. skipping stones. baby showers.  homemade valentines. paint pots.  flip flops. lightning bugs. easter baskets. days off. cuddling.  copper cookware. yarn. bike paths. open air markets. wild flowers.  wooden doors. tree stumps. winter fires. the ocean at dusk. sing-a-longs. lamb's ear. hardwood floors. bible study.  tin pails. black eyed susans. seashells. holding hands. butterflies.  ink pens. old hymns. hay lofts. the forest floor. mud pies. bullfrogs singing. pumpkins. laugh lines. spools of ribbon.  holly bushes. colored beads.white sheets. leather handbags. maps.  jigsaw puzzles. flaky pastries. family photos. a bird's nest. the midnight hour.  sheet music. new york pizza. labels. sleeping in. short cuts.  scenic routes. dancing. starfish. candlelight. rainbows. rosemary. quilts soft with age. feather pillows. happy endings. bright eyes. painted furniture. sunday mornings.  witty people.  shutters.  tin roofs. the crunch of leaves. crescent moons. old clocks. straw hats. footbridges. robin's eggs. vintage lace. corn on the cob. blue hydrangeas. i love yous.  weathered wood.  woolen socks.  split rail fences. the violin.  kentucky horse farms.  cinnamon rolls. gazebos. the highway. cashmere throws. water colors. afternoon light.  riverbanks. fresh pine. roasted peppers. sparklers. creme brulee. wicker bike baskets. antique tables.  convertibles. christmas trees. my blue desk. crisp linen.  blueberry picking. park benches. tousled hair.  sleigh rides. teapots. french bread. fur lined boots. the rosy cheeks of a two year old. boxes of chocolate. watermelon.  raindrops. christmas pageants. a river's edge.  silver hoops. foreign lands. time to dream.

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